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Aboulafia, Avital, Shrensky & Co. Accountants – the place where all the dots get connected

Today, with the advent of the global village, and the knowledge that international business are an integral part of economic growth, a business or individual interested in expanding requires a supportive network of professionals and accountants who see the larger picture. The implication is to connect all of the financial dots of our clients, to give them a wide reaching accounting basis for their entire activities in any and every aspect.

By way of example, many Israelis will request advice from an American accountant regarding a potential investment in the USA. However, what is often lost are the implications – financial and other – in Israel. This is a classic example where the seam between two different financial, investment and tax systems can lead to situations of neglect of a client’s affairs, significant tax and other financial liabilities, as well as unnecessary dealings with the local tax authorities.

Our firm’s expertise is to offer a wide-ranging and in-depth service to clients with international affairs. The various departments within the firm are fully integrated, working together and weaving an overarching strategy for the client, providing an in-depth service for each element of the plan. For us, the concept of international tax and accounting expertise is not just a general statement, but rather our day-to-day work, with thousands of clients operating in Israel and across the world.


Providing you with the accounting services
for all aspects of your financial activities in Israel and abroad

Our firm has the ability to provide the full range of services needed for a business to succeed: financial statements according to International standards, reports for investors in Israel and abroad, reports for the business and their owners, dealing with trusts, application of Double Tax Treaties and where the various countries meet or differ, strategic advice, IPOs, raising finance, bookkeeping, and other services. Within the firm we have accountants qualified in Israel, USA, UK and France. Together, we are able to provide your business dream the value needed to support it and to help plan for taking the business into the real world, as well as ongoing support.

Building you a wide-ranging
accounting basis for international growth

The financial statements of the business are its showcase. For a business interested in growing, the correct accounting basis is a must; and it should be built on strong foundations which take into account all of the various affairs in Israel and abroad. Our firm will ensure to help you build the best foundation, and to include everything into financial statements that will serve as the engine for growth. Via the financial statements, you will be able to reach new horizons and expand – be it obtaining banking finance for new projects, IPOs, approaching new investors or partners etc.

Finding you solutions to complex
issues in the Israeli and international planes

Our ability to provide our clients an advantage is based on our rich experience of providing services to thousands of clients with activities in Israel and abroad. The day to day dealing with the various tax authorities in Israel and around the world, (in particular the USA, UK and France) allows us to approach complex issues equipped with knowledge, confidence and thinking outside the box. With the right tools and our experience, we are able to find the most effective financial path for our clients to tread, allowing them to save their hard-earned money, both before embarking on their journey, as well as during their investments and business affairs.

We are expert in taxation and accounting services in Israel, USA, England and France

Our firm is a leader in international taxation

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    We are happy to announce that our Jerusalem office is moving.

    Our new residence is:
    68 Kanfei Nesharim St.
    Oranim Center 11 Floor

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