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Danny Zucker

Danny Zucker, ACA (UK). Partner – International Tax Department

Expertise: Cross border personal taxation, all aspects of relocation planning, Equity Planning, International payroll

Partner in the firm since 2023. Member of the ICAEW (UK) since 2009. Has 20 years’ experience, primarily in “Big Four Firms”, assisting both large multinationals as well as “startups” with all aspects of relocation considerations including taxation, policy creation, payroll and program management and coordination. In addition, a wealth of experience in cross boarder equity consideration such as Israeli Exit Tax, Stock Option and RSU withholding obligations and structuring of equity vehicles. A special focus as well on residency issues including non-residents, returning residents and new immigrants.

Prior to joining the firm, Danny lead EY’s Mobility Consulting practice.

Education: Undergraduate degree in Banking & International Finance, Cass Business School, London, UK
Languages: Hebrew, English

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