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October 2014

Two interest articles have appeared in The Marker (Hebrew) over the last 24 hours. The first article discusses the fact that the Treasury has agreed to put into place measures necessary to ensure that Israel will be compliant with the OECD’s multilateral exchange of information agreement regarding bank account holders by 2018. The agreement, which also includes a number of other countries, essentially means that Israel will be transferring information about bank account holders who live outside Israel to each of the 50 or so countries, and in turn, Israel will receive similar information from each of those countries regarding Israelis holding such accounts. The second article

Feel free to join the Tax in Israel Facebook group In the previous post, we saw an example of how a company can, under certain circumstances, have its income treated as taxable in the hands of the shareholders. The one other example under Israeli law is the “house company”. In order to qualify as such a company, there are two conditions that must be met: 1. The company is owned and controlled by no more than 5 people. For these purposes, first-degree family members and business partners count as a single petson. 2. The company deals primarily in the property business. The type of property and

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